Who can lean in? The intersecting role of race and gender in negotiations
Research on gender disparities in negotiation often does not address the intersectional influence of other demographic categories. We...
Exposure to biracial faces reduces colorblindness
Across six studies, we demonstrate that exposure to biracial individuals significantly reduces endorsement of colorblindness as a racial...
The role of gender in racial meta-stereotypes and stereotypes
Stereotypes often guide interracial interactions—both the stereotypes we hold about others, and the stereotypes we believe others hold...
A broad and insidious appeal: Unpacking the reasons for endorsing racial color blindness
In this chapter, we examine the many interpretations and motivations behind the ideology of racial color blindness. Color blindness as a...
You can win but I can't lose: Bias against high-status groups increases their zero-sum beliefs a
What leads people to espouse zero-sum beliefs (ZSBs) – the perspective that gains for one social group come at the cost of another group...
Aggressive acts increase commitment to new groups: Zombie attacks and blocked shots
How do individuals who switch between opposing sides develop a sense of commitment to their new groups? Study 1 examined these dynamics...
The best beloved of all things
Collective trusteeship provides a lofty goal in the realization of justice. It calls for a careful analysis of our individual choices,...
The physical burdens of secrecy
The present work examined whether secrets are experienced as physical burdens, thereby influencing perception and action. Four studies...
Getting a word in group-wise: Effects of racial diversity on gender dynamics
In three studies, we examined the effects of racial diversity on gender dynamics in small mixed-sex groups. In all-White groups in Study...
Dyadic interracial interactions: A meta-analysis
This meta-analysis examined over 40 years of research on interracial interactions by exploring 4 types of outcomes: explicit attitudes...